For more information on Los Tigres Del
Norte Foundation please visit

Los Tigres Del Norte Foundation
The Los Tigres Del Norte Foundation (LTDNF) was founded in May
of 2000 with the express purpose of fostering a greater
appreciation and the preservation of Mexican and
Mexican-American folk music traditions.
The Los Tigres Del Norte Foundation is a California 501 (c)
(3) non-profit corporation that supports worthy non-profit
charitable organizations in an effort to further the
appreciation and understanding of Latino music, culture and
history through education and community outreach programs.
The UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center (CSRC) was the
recipient of the first gift by LTDNF, a $500,000 commitment to
be used to digitize over 32,000 Spanish language recordings
contained in the Strachwitz Frontera Collection.
The Strachwitz Frontera Collection consists of
three sections of music, divided by era. The first section
includes approximately 12,000 78-rpm disc recordings of
Mexican vernacular music recorded between 1908 and 1958. They
document many types of popular lyric songs, including the
first records of corridos (narrative ballads on topics of the
day), canciones, boleros, rancheras, sones, as well as some
types of instrumental music, including conjunto music. These
recordings are held in a private collection by Chris
Strachwitz Foundation and to date is the largest repository of
Mexican and Mexican-American vernacular music in existence.
Los Tigres Del Norte Fund at UCLA
The Los Tigres Del Norte Fund at UCLA is for the study,
research, acquisition, preservation, dissemination, and
presentation of authentic traditional and folk musical
traditions in Spanish. The Los Tigres Del Norte Fund at UCLA
is the first of its kind. Never before has an institution of
higher education received such a sizable gift from a community
entity to promote the study of cultural traditions in
academia. Through it, students and faculty have the
opportunity to conduct important research in folk music in
such disciplines as ethnomusicology, literature, history,
psychology, sociology, folklore, political science, world
cultures and the arts. The generosity and inspiration of Los
Tigres Del Norte has enabled the CSRC to begin creating a
premier cultural center.
UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center
During the last thirty years, the UCLA Chicano Studies
Research Center (CSRC) has promoted the study of Mexican
Americans and others of Latino descent in the United States.
The CSRC was established by visionary scholars in 1969 and has
since remained a leader in the field. Through these efforts,
the center has supported the research of distinguished UCLA
faculty, as well as several generations of students. Its
library collection and archives constitute a primary national
resource and its publication unit continues to disseminate
outstanding materials in the area of Chicano Studies. The
research emphasis at the CSRC is on interdisciplinary and
collaborative research that analyzes issues critical to the
knowledge of Chicano and Latino communities in the United
States. The CSRC seeks to establish and maintain
collaborative relationships with diverse academic, private,
and public communities at the state, national, and
international levels. The increasing demographic presence of
Chicanos and Latinos in the United States ensures that Chicano
Studies will have a prominent role in the next century.
For more information on Los Tigres Del
Norte Foundation please visit